Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Interesting Tidbits

Random things I heard/learned/experienced today...
  • I downloaded a podcast for a pilates workout from PilatesOnFifth.com. I tried a new plank move this morning and about busted my face on my dorm room floor. Too bad everyone missed it. I ended the workout 4 minutes short because of my lack of balance.
  • In Austin: I found out that my roommate Kat might be getting a little dog named Pip. Good news/bad news? Not sure yet.
  • Also in Austin: Jenn got an internship, but didn't tell me! Now I'm shouting from the rooftops-- or at least this page. Congrats!
  • I just got an email that said the library will be closed for the Ching Ming Festival on Friday. It's a holiday to honor your ancestors and sweep their graves (among other things). I guess I'll have to make my way to a cemetery since I "can't" study.
  • Printed in the China Daily: After reading the newspaper this afternoon I found out that the penalty for stealing over 100,000 yuan ($14,200) in China from a financial institution is life in prison or death. There was a story printed about a man who stole 175,000 yuan from an ATM who had his sentenced reduced on the grounds that the machine was faulty. Conveniently printed right below that story was another about two former bank employees just executed in Hubei for their heist. Don't worry-- I'm not robbing anyone soon. Just thought it was interesting.
  • Also interesting: In Hong Kong there are laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender. There are no laws that mention age discrimination.
  • In discussing divorce in Women's Movement, the class audibly gasped when I said the divorce rate in the US was hovering around 50%. Our professor couldn't give an estimation on rates in China or HK. Maybe it's lower because of all the affection and canoodling (right, Mom).
  • I'm tired of wearing my hair in a ponytail because of the rain and humidity.
  • I temporarily lost my wallet in the dining hall. It was returned promptly to the Security Center. When I went into the office, I saw two men staring at the 20+ monitors on the left wall. I then realized that they pretty frequently (if not constantly) monitor the elevator cameras. I immediately started laughing. The very nice English-speaking guard quickly asked, "Why are you laughing?" I said, "Ha! Well, let's just say you've probably enjoyed watching me dance in the elevators a time or two." Dear iPod, thanks for the embarrassment.


Unknown said...

You're adorable for dancing in the elevator. Last week a girl caught me singing in the elevator. Cake was on and I didn't realize they could hear me before the door opened. It's alright, though, because I'm pretty sure it moved her to tears.

If Kat gets a dog, and I hope she reads this, she's never going to see me again. Fuck barking, pooping, and energy. UGH. I'm serious. Dogs are just god awful creatures.

Jennifer said...

Sorry, I suck! I just sent you an email with the details. Miss you!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

hell yeah!

spontaneous bust-outs of dance!

that's why we're friends.

ps - jennifer, now i feel guilty for telling laura about your internship. i thought you would have told her by now....geez.