Steven and I playing in Zilker Park. Don't worry... I didn't get body-slammed. Our amazing going-away party at Katie and Maggie's that ended up costing entirely too much money, but was worth every penny.
Me and Maggie at The Melting Pot for Spirits' GC Exec dinner.
Kristin and Travis dancing the night away at our Christmas party.
And of course, the current Facebook pic... at Lynn's 60th birthday bash.
There are so many more people I miss from Austin. Justin and his hilarious tributes to Eminem, Kat and her wonderfully nurturing spirit, my grandparents with their great accents and travel stories, Uncle Craig's FOX News obsession (love you, still), Juanita's meowing and homelessness, Norma Skinner, Pip (the most adorable dog I haven't met), Gerrie and Alyssa's and their constant laughter... I know I'm forgetting things.
The forgetfulness won't last long because I'll be home at the end of the month. Who could ever have imagined that this semester could have gone by so fast. At times it seemed slow, but I'm comfortable here now. I understand this city and how things work. I travel around town effortlessly as if I never had doubts or communication issues.
Jen says it's easy to blog about the funny things. I've done a lot of that. But know through all the jokes, I learned something-- either about myself, my friends, my patience, my willingness to just keep going, or my new town. Over the past three months, Hong Kong has somehow become my town. I live here? Oh yeah. And it's not the worst place to live.
It is weird how quickly it goes by. Make sure you cherish every last minute because saying goodbye to Perugia and my friends was one of the hardest things. But of course, I'm really excited to come back to Austin and catch up with you pretty lady!
You're so smart.
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