Wednesday, May 7, 2008

And for your viewing pleasure...

The last two weeks of school... I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have just a handful of lectures left and my projects are slowly ending. My Brand Management prof today announced that this was her final semester teaching this course as next year, her last at UST, she'll work solely with MBA marketing students. How lucky was I? She was fantastic and I learned more than I could have imagined. She gave us going away presents today in the form of a blown-up group photo we took at the beginning of the semester. I'm so in love with it! My group members, Gavin, Cindy and David, were wonderful to work with. We got off topic SO MANY TIMES just talking... or being 'hei' (lazy) as they would say.

To wish everyone luck on their projects and exams, the Hall III society, Glacier, put together a Roasted Pig Celebration. I wasn't planning on going, but I couldn't resist after I heard all the chanting and music from my room. By the time I got down there the first performance had already started. I posted the video below...

It's about 5 minutes long and you'll likely want to mute it after the first 45 seconds. It's amazing that I get to watch stuff like this by just stepping outside my dorm. It's also amazing that YouTube lets me share it with you.


Anonymous said...

Roasted Pig Celebration? Where was the pig pit for the BBQ after the in Texas? You live in a very interesting place.....


Unknown said...


That was repulsive to watch. Those people in the dragon head must've been so hot and jittery. No fun.

I wanna barbecue this summer though. Let's make it happen.