Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Dos mas dias

No one speaks Spanish here, but you probably do! I have an exam tomorrow and no major projects/committments/exams on Thursday. I guess I could have titled this email "Uno Mas Dia" but that would just be rubbing it into the faces of those who have a real hell-week.

Earlier today I "studied" for my Brand Management exam on the balcony overlooking the bay. It was maybe 70 degrees in the shade and the sky was clear. There was just enough breeze to keep me awake and holding onto my papers. Then I had dinner with a few of my favorite people-- Lisa, Frances and Kristin. Did I mention that Kristin ran a half-marathon on the Great Wall a few weeks ago. Yeah, pretty amazing.

Now, it's 11:30pm and Jen is still out doing who-knows-what. She probably just migrated from the library to the computer barn. Meanwhile, I'm in the room watching old episodes of The Office on surfthechannel.com. Stressful, I know. At least I'm learning about business.

I feel like the only way this day could have been better is if I could have finished it in a big bubble bath. Mmm... bubble bath. So civilized.


Anonymous said...

I like to think of this today as "dieciocho mas dias"....because you will be back on Planet Texas in 18 more days.

That's something to celebrate...right Steven?


Unknown said...

Oh God. Yes. Dieciocho times yes.