Monday, January 28, 2008

They don't have napkins.

Things I'm going to have to get used to while in Hong Kong:

1. Restaurants don't provide napkins. If anything, they'll give you a wet-wipe or bowl of lemon water to clean your hands. There's nothing to dry them... ever! Jenn was smart and bought a handkerchief at the Ladies Market the other day. I think she's on to something.
2. Locals on the MTR (metro) stare. Like an unreasonable amount. Remember when you were younger and your mother told you not to stare when something unusual caught your eye? Yeah, mothers here apparently don't say that.
3. I don't have a CHI. I think I'm addicted to my straightener. I'm beginning to detox.
4. Locals YELL. Even when they're standing right next to each other, they shout. It's bizarre.
5. Local students stay up late. Refer to number 4.
6. The Chinese food is different. It needs more flavor (or my taste buds need to fall off). I think this will just take some time.
7. The time difference between here and home is still strange. I'm not used to talking to friends and family who are doing the exact opposite. Good morning, good night!

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