Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The day before school starts

Last night when we were in Causeway Bay, Jenn and I went looking for an Internet cable. We found a place called Computer World on the 10th floor (otherwise printed 10/F in Hong Kong). Of course, the man didn't speak very much English, so in my best efforts I tried to explain what an Internet cable was. As soon as he figured it out, he said "Lan! Like Lan!" Maybe he would have figured out what I was talking about more quickly if I talked about Asian guys hanging out in dark rooms at ridiculous hours playing video games. Oh well.

When we were shopping, I discovered I wear a size 40 in Hong Kong. If that doesn't make you feel HUGE enough, it's the largest size they sell in a lot of non-western stores. We also discovered that one-size-fits-all applies to bags, scarves AND coats. I so badly wanted to get another sweater/coat to stay warm, but it took a while. I finally found a 40 that fit... and I snatched it up. Like a fat kid and cake (right?!) PS: Kristin, you would hate how cold our room gets.

Steven, maybe if I find a CHI I'll buy it just to be funny. Then again, most of them have straight hair around here. Why sell straighteners?

I'm also not sure where Chinese people buy underwear. There are no Victoria's Secret stores or other lingerie stores anywhere. Maybe they all wear the briefs you can buy at the drug store. I'll let you know if I figure that out.

Orientation this morning was fine. I'm on one waitlist for a marketing (Brand Management) class. I'm #4, so hopefully it'll be updated in the next few days. My other classes are:
- Women's Movements in China (gotta include gender somewhere, right?)
- Business to Business Marketing
- History of US-China Relations

I've been out of school for too long. Tomorrow is going to be interesting.

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