Monday, January 28, 2008

Last leg of the guided tours: Man Mo Temple

I arrived on Thursday morning-- late for the 9am tour I paid for. On Friday, the last tour day, we went into Hong Kong to see the Man Mo Temple, eat lunch, and visit the Hong Kong Museum of History. I talked about this in another post. Here are some pictures from the trip...

These giant incense coils are lit inside the temple and fill it with the strongest incense smell you could imagine. The temple isn't that large, so the smoke completely fills the space. Locals dedicate these incense coils to themselves/their families for protection from the gods (or something like that).

The altar.

Myself with Frances (Michigan) and Kristen (UF) outside the temple.

Hey, Ma! Look what I saw when we were driving through town.

Lunch at a seafood restaurant. The seafood part doesn't really apply in this picture. Notice the garnish.

Lots of Chinese food to share!

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