On the first day of school I went to the school supply store on LG5. Note: Our campus is built so that there is a ground floor with seven floors below (marked LG#) and at least 6 floors above. Since I already had a binder, I just needed to get paper and maybe a stapler. It wasn't until I tried putting the paper in my binder that I realized Hong Kong doesn't DO 3-holes. They're still working with two! Their paper and binders have two holes spaced about 3" apart in the center. Such a small difference, but soooo upsetting! (I'm being dramatic here). Along with my paper (which everyone calls A4 paper here), I had to buy new binders and a new hole punch to retrofit my wonderful colored dividers from home. What's even more upsetting is that they don't have hard-covered binders here. Everything's cheap, flimsy and disposable.
I'm back to normal with my supplies. My new hole punch has changed my life. Not really, but I'm doing ok with two holes in HK. There are other things I'm getting used to...
1. Living in the Castilian, the noise problem was caused by the international students. Damn Italians. Here, it's the locals. They stay up until 3-4am and shout! When something is either funny or they're all in agreement, you can hear a collective, "Ohhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhh! Oh! (Sometimes clapping)" It's the most bizarre noise. To give you an idea of how loud it is, Jen and I live on the 3rd floor at the end of the hall. With our door closed, we could hear the shouting coming from the ground floor up the stairwell. If you watched the video of the Student Societies, it's the same kind of muffled roar that seeps into every space.
2. The time difference still throws me off. I'm actually looking forward to the clocks changing in the spring because then I'll only be 13 hours ahead!
3. I miss salads. Fresh, green, hearty salads. I had a Caesar salad on Monday and it wasn't very good. The lettuce had potential, but it was soaked in dressing. Aunt Brenda, I'm glad I had a Cafe Express salad before I left. Justin, I'm glad you got to watch me eat it.
4. Asian boy hair. So weird. None of them seem to want to have short, groomed hair, so they grow it out (sometimes near-mullet style) and have a blind barber cut it into spikes. For those who want to take it a step further, they color it to an auburn shade of red. I'm not sure there's another alternative to dark brown/black. It makes for good people watching. Did I tell you that UST is over 60% male?

Ok, so maybe this post was a little whiny. Who cares. I'm in Hong Kong and I'm around a bunch of boys that look like this.
haha asian boy hair.
I'll eat a salad for you!
Have you met any nice people there?
Has anyone ever told you you should be a writer?
You should be a writer.
And they do that "Ahhhhh!" shit on Pokemon. I think that's why they do it in China, too. Ash used to say, "Ohhhh!" when people'd throw a badass Pokemon, too, so perhaps there's something to say about Japanese crossover culture.
Just spent the past 30 minutes reading every single one of your posts. I have two huge tests on Monday, yet I still have time to read posts about Asian boys with long hair.
What if my hair was that long? Will these girly men look at me funny for having short hair? And should I reconsider going to HKUST? I surely don't want to be in a male-dominated campus.
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